The game of Life - Sunday Thoughts

Life is a big game. And, like in any game there are losers and winners.There is life and death. There are straight A students and High-school dropouts. Everyone starts at the same square on the board life but not everyone uses the same dice. It doesn't matter if you win. The real winners are the ones who enjoy the game. There's no reason to celebrate if you have no one to celebrate with. There's no point in playing if you're playing to win. The game is extremely short.. It's too short to be playing with regrets. 
So the game is not that simple, isn't it ?

I insist that we spend too much time thinking about things that are not up to us. From a while I have stopped and I make my decisions on my feelings. If I feel something I do it. 

The real life is boring. I think everyone should put on them rose-colored glasses.The first step in doing this is to become aware of your thought patterns and core beliefs, especially the recurring ones that repeatedly pop into your mind and govern your behavior.Notice which ones support you and which ones hold you back. Once you are aware of limiting beliefs, you can consciously choose to change them to something else every time you find yourself having these thoughts.

Enough. Let me roll the dice now!