University life - Second week

Since the second week began, I started realizing that my dream is becoming true. I have 3 modules:

  • Computer systems 
  • Foundations of Software Design and Development 
  • Foundation Mathematics
I like all of them because they give me the knowledge I need to develop. For example:

  1. Computer systems - How do computer programs and Internet actually work. Operating systems & hardware. This makes you more qualified  when buying a new computer or even when you are constructing your own robot. Thousands of advantages!

  2. Foundations of Software Design and Development - This subject is the mainly what i came for. We start from the 0 - the machine code and we are going upstairs, making our first investigations which I am sure will pay out later. The first programming language that we have just started is Java. According to, Java developers are in high demand compared to other programmers:
  3. Foundation Mathematics - In my opinion, the Math's module is one of the most important not only for engineering studies but for all because it helps us have better problem-solving skills. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are:   power of reasoning
                                      abstract or spatial thinking
                                                                                         and even effective communication skills!